You've just
arrived at the top of an enormous hill in the middle of nowhere, after a
gruelling yet scenic 90 minute climb, and you're greeted with one of the
greatest views of your life....you stop and sit down to enjoy the sight,
munching on a ripe tomato you found growing on the edge of the trail and
taking a cool drink of water from your wet sock-refrigerated water bottle.
Two or three old gentlemen drive by, stopping and stepping out of their
cars just to ask you in their language if everything is all right and
comment on the weather. You're probably the first non-local they've seen
in months on that road!
It doesn't get
much better than that! That is just one reason why cycle touring is
the best way to see any country. This site is about my trips and
future trips on my bike, as well as other trips I may take, be it by
train, plane, or on foot. So click away and enjoy!